
Search results

Es wurden 12 Einträge gefunden.
Family name Given name Occupation Place Address Year
🔍 📘 Fithal Carl Knecht 1906
🔍 📘 Fithal Ludwig Hirt 1906
🔍 📘 Gobel Jul. Deputant 1906
🔍 📘 Golembasch Ludw. Knecht 1906
🔍 📘 Iggne Wilhelm Knecht 1906
🔍 📘 Lokau August Deputant 1906
🔍 📘 Nelson Hermann Gutsbesitzer 1906
🔍 📘 Neumann Gottfried Deputant 1906
🔍 📘 Rakowski Franz Hofmann 1906
🔍 📘 Schwarz Elisabeth 1906
🔍 📘 Stobbe Carl Deputant 1906
🔍 📘 Stobbe Gustav Knecht 1906

The entries marked with 📘 can be viewed on the scan of the book.

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