Search results
Es wurden 9 Einträge gefunden.
Family name | Given name | Occupation | Place | Address | Year | |
🔍 📘 | Bielenberg | Theod. | Landwirt | Abelsnaaf | 4 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Büth | Aug. | Bauer | Abelsnaaf | 6 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Fischer | Pet. | Bergmann | Abelsnaaf | 8 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Friedrichs | Karl | Landwirt | Abelsnaaf | 9 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Krieger | Jos. | Landwirt | Abelsnaaf | 10 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Remmel | Ant. | oG. | Abelsnaaf | 9A | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Rottländer | Landwirtin | Abelsnaaf | 1 | 1939 | |
🔍 📘 | Spanier | Alois | Landwirt | Abelsnaaf | 3 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Spanier | Pet. | Landwirt | Abelsnaaf | 2 | 1939 |
The entries marked with 📘 can be viewed on the scan of the book.
Facet search
- Landwirt 5
- Bauer 1
- Bergmann 1
- Landwirtin 1
- oG. 1
Time period
- 1900 9