Search results
Es wurden 8 Einträge gefunden.
Family name | Given name | Occupation | Place | Address | Year | |
🔍 📘 | Eginger | Maria | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 26 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Geiger | Maria | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 14 1/9 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Kramhöller | Rosina | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 28 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Kronschnabel | Georg | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 1/29 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Krügl | Elisabeth | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 17 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Köberl | Therese | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 15 1/3 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Reis | Rosina | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 27 | 1937 |
🔍 📘 | Späth | Therese | Landwirtin | Ranzing | 35 1/2 | 1937 |
The entries marked with 📘 can be viewed on the scan of the book.
Facet search
- [X] Landwirtin 8
- [X] Ranzing 8
Time period
- 1900 8