Search results
Es wurden 33 Einträge gefunden.
Family name | Given name | Occupation | Place | Address | Year | |
🔍 📘 | Albers | August | Landw. | Syke | Feldstraße 14 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Bender | Theod. | Landw. | Syke | Wiesenstraße 10 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Bolte | Joh. | Landw. | Syke | In der Feldmark 2 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Böckmann | Fritz | Landw. | Syke | Hauptstraße 53 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Eggers | Joh. | Landw. | Syke | Grüne Straße 11 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Evers | Herm. | Landw. | Syke | An der Weide 3 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Haberkamp | Wilh. | Landw. | Syke | Nordwohlder Straße 43 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Hasselmann | Herm. | Landw. | Syke | Grüne Straße 25 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Helms | Christian | Landw. | Syke | Feldstraße 20 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Heusmann | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | Wiesenstraße 8 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Heusmann | Wilh. | Landw. | Syke | Hauptstraße 66 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Kastens | Cord | Landw. | Syke | Sulinger Straße 7 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Plate | Friedr., jun. | Landw. | Syke | Hauptstraße 30 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Plate | Herm. | Landw. | Syke | Hauptstraße 30 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Preckel | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | Nordwohlder Straße 40 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Ramke | Joh. | Landw. | Syke | Plackenstraße 6 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Ramke | Joh., jun. | Landw. | Syke | Plackenstraße 6 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Ritterhoff | Wilh. | Landw. | Syke | Wiesenstraße 18 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Schröder | Georg | Landw. | Syke | Nordwohlder Straße 39 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Schröder | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | Nordwohlder Straße 39 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Schulenburg | Heinr., sen. | Landw. | Syke | Sulinger Straße 16 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Sievers | Friedr. | Landw. | Syke | Grüne Straße 11 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Sievers | Joh. | Landw | Syke | Sulinger Straße 1 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Soller | Friedr. | Landw. | Syke | Nordwohlder Straße 50 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Ullrich | H. | Leiter, Landbag, Landw. Bezugs- und Absatzgenossenschaft | Syke | 1936 | |
🔍 📘 | Wessel | Friedr. | Landw. | Syke | Hauptstraße 44 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Wessel | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | Grüne Straße 2 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Wessel | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | Schloßweide 19 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Westermann | Alb. | Landw. | Syke | Nienburger Straße 42 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Wiechmann | Wilh. | Landw. | Syke | Wiesenstraße 26 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Wiemann | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | Grüne Straße 6 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Wohlers | Diedr. | Landw. | Syke | Grüne Straße 21 | 1936 |
🔍 📘 | Wohlers | Heinr. | Landw. | Syke | In der Feldmark 1 | 1936 |
The entries marked with 📘 can be viewed on the scan of the book.
Facet search
- [X] Landw. 31
- Landw 1
- Leiter, Landbag, Landw. Bezugs- und Absatzgenossenschaft 1
- Syke 33
Time period
- 1900 33