Search results
Es wurden 13 Einträge gefunden.
Family name | Given name | Occupation | Place | Address | Year | |
🔍 📘 | Fuhrmann | Joh. | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 188a | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Israel | Anton Herm. | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 41a | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Israel | Heinrich Wendel. | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 90 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Israel | Joh. | Handler u. Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 79a | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Juchem | Elisab. | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 163 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Juchem | Heinr. | landw. Gehilfe | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 196a | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Manderscheid | Bertr. | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 6 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Oster | Elisab. | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 89 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Ringel | Kaspar Josef | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 178 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Ringel | Nikolaus Josef | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 129 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Ringel | Peter Anton | Landw. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 178a | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Schmitz | Peter | Landw. u. Händl. | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 181 | 1939 |
🔍 📘 | Weiber | Wilh. | Landw. u. Händler | Bassenheim | Hs.-Nr. 39 | 1939 |
The entries marked with 📘 can be viewed on the scan of the book.
Facet search
- [X] Landw. 9
- Handler u. Landw. 1
- Landw. u. Händl. 1
- Landw. u. Händler 1
- landw. Gehilfe 1
- Bassenheim 13
Time period
- 1900 13