Search results
Es wurden 43 Einträge gefunden.
Family name | Given name | Occupation | Place | Address | Year | |
🔍 📘 | Adler | Balthasar | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 32 | 1911 |
🔍 | Bemmlot | Andreas | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 6a | 1924 |
🔍 | Bemmlot | Christoph | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 6a | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Bemmlott | Christoph | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 6 | 1911 |
🔍 | Eckart | Konrad | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 8c | 1924 |
🔍 | Hesse | August | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 14 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Hesse | Ignaz | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 31 | 1911 |
🔍 📘 | Hesse | Josef | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 37 | 1911 |
🔍 | Hesse | Joseph | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 37 | 1924 |
🔍 | Hesse | Karl | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 15 | 1924 |
🔍 | Hesse | Wilhelm | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 36 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Hesse | Wilhelm | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 36 | 1911 |
🔍 📘 | Hesse | Wilhelm | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 36 | 1911 |
🔍 | Kaspari | Andreas | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 38 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Kaspari | Andreas | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 38 | 1911 |
🔍 | Kaspari | Ignaz | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 33 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Kaspari | Ignaz | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 33 | 1911 |
🔍 | Kaspari | Karl | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 43 | 1924 |
🔍 | Klöppner | Christoph | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 16 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Klöppner | Christoph | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 16 | 1911 |
🔍 | Krebs | Adolf | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 18 | 1924 |
🔍 | Krebs | Clemens | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 10 | 1924 |
🔍 | Krebs | Franz | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 8 | 1924 |
🔍 | Krebs | Heinrich | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 8 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Heinrich I | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 10 | 1911 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Heinrich II | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 8 | 1911 |
🔍 | Krebs | Heinrich III | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 25 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Heinrich III | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 25 | 1911 |
🔍 | Krebs | Ignaz | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 19 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Jakob | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 19 | 1911 |
🔍 | Krebs | Johannes | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 24 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Johannes I | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 24 | 1911 |
🔍 | Krebs | Johannes IV | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 41 | 1924 |
🔍 | Krebs | Ludwig | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 30 | 1924 |
🔍 | Krebs | Martin | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 20a | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Martin II | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 20a | 1911 |
🔍 | Krebs | Norbert | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 32 | 1924 |
🔍 | Krebs | Otto | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 3 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Krebs | Richard | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 18 | 1911 |
🔍 📘 | Otto | Johannes | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 2 | 1911 |
🔍 | Otto | Karl | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 2 | 1924 |
🔍 | Riethmüller | Johannes | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 23 | 1924 |
🔍 📘 | Riethmüller | Johannes | Landwirt | Rohrberg | 23 | 1911 |
The entries marked with 📘 can be viewed on the scan of the book.
Facet search
- [X] Landwirt 43
- Rohrberg 43
Time period
- [X] 1900 43